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Siras Systems Support:
If SELPA/District policy is to contact them first follow that protocol.

Email:    support@sirassystems.com
Issues concerning bugs on forms; SIRAS procedures; troubleshooting questions; IEP Manager; configuration issues; MIS Summary page; SPED CALPADS and other general questions. 

SIRAS Toll Free Hotline:   844-33 SIRAS   or   (844) 337-4727       [M - F:  8:00 to 6:00]
Padlet for Admin Users (click here)

User name:  first.last  (put a period in-between the first and last name, no spaces) Passwords are case sensitive.  User will be required to create a new password 1 year (365 days) from the last password reset.

If you don't know your password, attempt to login with any password. An incorrect password attempt will generate the  'Email Password Reset' button.  Click on the reset button and be sure to check your email junk/spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox immediately.


Bulletin Board


  SIRAS Newsletter January 2025

IMPORTANT Information for all users in SIRAS

  • Get Ready for Spring ELA, Math, Science and EL testing

    • Siras can now send SBAC/ELPAC/504 accommodations data to TOMS with the SIRAS to TOMS API connection, Sped Clerks can contact brian@sirassystems.com for more information on enabling this included feature.

    • The statewide testing windows open soon. Review your SBAC/CAA/ELPAC data in SIRAS. Your district will likely export supports and accommodations for TOMS 1-2 weeks prior to the first day of testing in your district.  If needed, schedule IEPs to make necessary changes prior to the data export(s).  The TOMS Export Procedure Help Sheet contains guidance for case managers on data review, for SIRAS administrative staff on the data export for TOMS and for test coordinators on the upload of test supports and accommodations to TOMS.

    • CAASPP and ELPAC supports for 2024-2025 have been updated by the CDE and are updated in SIRAS. New UDA menu updates have been deployed to SIRAS.

  • Calculate the % in General Education as you work on your IEPs: Utilize the calculator in SIRAS to assist you with keeping this up to date at each IEP as services, placement, and bell schedules change.


  • Use the Student Data Overview links on your home page to monitor your caseload. Review your students who have overdue or upcoming meetings (annuals due within the next 30 days and triennials due within the next 75 days).
  • Review your open meetings regularly. Finalize IEP meetings as quickly as possible, right after parent consent has been received. Finalized IEPs are sent to CDE as they occur throughout the year. The absence in reporting of a timely IEP meeting appears late.


IMPORTANT Information for SIRAS Data Administrators in SIRAS

SIRAS Translation Services


SST Tracker and the 504 Modules:

>>> 504 Module - SIS Integration now available. Click here for more technical information 

Contact steve@sirassystems.com for a quote and to arrange

The modules employ Transfer buttons on the MIS Summary page which move the student record from one module to another (for example, SST to 504 or SST to Special Education). If your district is interested in using either the SST Tracker or the 504 Plan Developer email Siras Systems for assistance to get started. 

Optional Costs:
     - Customized 504 Forms
     - SIS Integration of demographic and contact data
     - Training & Workshops

SIRAS CCSS Goal Alignment to Assessment & Worksheet Project:

Siras Systems is looking for volunteers to assist in the development of short assessment worksheets connected to the goal stems when developed in the GoalWizard. Our hope is that we can combine our resources and efforts to develop material for CCSS goal stems. SIRAS Systems will help coordinate and facilitate the development of the assessments, configure and import the files into SIRAS when complete. This project will take about a year to fully materialize. This cooperative effort benefits the outcomes of the students we serve. Users in the SIRAS family can easily and efficiently develop baselines, evaluate the student’s progress toward their goals, determine whether the goal is met and present this evidence at the annual review meetings. Your participation and contribution to this project as a SELPA would be greatly appreciated by many. All participants that assist would be added to our Acknowledgement page for professional recognition. If you are interested in assisting with this project, email Steve Ormbrek at steve@sirassystems.com